Adopting a child is exciting but there are numerous legal hurdles which must be overcome. Additionally, adoptive parents are subject to intense scrutiny which typically involves inspection of living accommodations, ascertaining financial ability and undergoing criminal background checks. This level of scrutiny is necessary to ensure the adopted child is going to be in a safe home and be well-cared for.
Parents who are considering adopting a child in the greater northeast Missouri need to have an attorney who will protect their rights during the process. Adoptions can take several months to complete, even when you have met all of the requirements set out by the adoption agency. We’re committed to helping you add a new member to your family and we’ll do everything possible to facilitate the process.
Missouri law requires adoptive parents have their child in house for a period of six months prior to a final decision being made by an agency although this period is different during private adoptions. Your family will be under intense scrutiny during this period of time and we can help ensure your privacy is protected.